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Monday, September 29, 2008

Wait... school started when!?

I just realized; school started forever and a half ago! It's true. And even though mom takes "first day" pictures every year, we never do anything with them. I think it's time to remedy that.

So here's Amanda! She's sporting our laid back, happy, "first day of 9th grade, no biggie" look. I like that shirt... Hey... hold on half a second! That's my shirt!!

She's secretary of the student body this year, and would like to comment that her algebra 2 teacher is crazy. She's first chair viola in orchestra this year, but claims that it's only because everyone else isn't that great, either. She just completed a bug display for her biology class (she's been hunting bugs all summer)

Here's Jake! He's looking, er... very prepared for a year filled with calculus, physics, honors english, Nerds 101, and a informative class on "how to tell if you should buy a shirt or just make one that looks just like it with paint and a brush."

Jake just got a new car, and he's pretty happy with it to say the least! It's everything he wanted; sun roof, leather seats, drives nice, easy to handle. And it looks good too, which was something else he wanted. Note to self: put up picture of Jake's car. Maybe that'll be his chance to make his own post!

Here's Max, with a bonus Ogi! Max went into 5th grade this year, and is loving every minute! Well, ok, there may be one or two assignments that aren't so loveable, and consequently, not so loved. He's hanging out with friends all the time. He's in the the choir as well as the bell choir, and he's doing a garden project this year. It's lookin pretty good outside, if I do say so myself!

So...yep, this is me... takin' french this year.

So, yeah! That's everybody! I'll have Jake post more about his car later, and I'll see if I can convince him to take some pics too!


MD said...

Kenz...I LOVE the post!!! Keep it up girl! It's so fun to see the picts. Everybody is so cute and lookin' good!

stacy h. said...

it's so true, the first day of school pictures get a little old. :) but i am glad to see these made the blog! good post kens! :)

b lovely said...

Gotta love the first day of school! Great post! I always say, "you hate the camera now, but later you'll be glad you have the pictures!" :D Jake should definitely post some picts of his sweet new car!